Lonnie Santella wrote:
FreBSD 4.10 Release
CVSUP-MIRROR v. 1.3_2  freshly installed.

I got the cvsup-mirror port installed without any errors. The CVSUPD daemon is running. I can connect to my mirror from another server. When I try to update a ports collection (i.e. ports-editors) is will spit out the error:

"Collection "ports-editors" release "cvs" is not available here"

I did not specifiy any of the default collections during the install (i.e. src, www, gnats) because all I want to make available via cvsupd is the ports collections. However, since the install never asked me anything about ports, I'm hesitant that I have not properly made them available via cvsup.

I've been throught the FreeBSD Handbook, and the "cvsup.org" website - absolutely no help at all. I've also searched through the /usr/ports/net/cvsup-mirror directory just to find absolutely no documentation whatsoever.

All I want to do is run a mirror so I can keep the ports trees on my other BSD servers up-to-date.

Can you please help me?

-just a little frustrated

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I didn't see any cvsup files so let me see what I can do by working backwards with you...

I have cvsup-mirror running on one of my machines mirroring the entire cvsup collection.

Normally I update the entire ports tree but I tried to update just ports-editors. It appeared to work. This is the cvsupfile I ran:
*default host=
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs
*default tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix

I did not get the error message you mentioned until I changed the collection name to something bogus. e.g. I changed ports-editors to ports-editors-junk.

This makes me think you are not mirroring, or not mirroring correctly, the ports tree.

The supfile that goes with my cvsup-mirror looks like this:
$ more /usr/local/etc/cvsup/supfile
# Standard supfile for CVSup FreeBSD mirrors.
*default delete use-rel-suffix umask=002
cvs-all      release=cvs     prefix=prefixes/FreeBSD.cvs
gnats        release=current prefix=prefixes/FreeBSD-gnats.current
www          release=current prefix=prefixes/FreeBSD-www.current
mail-archive release=current prefix=prefixes/FreeBSD-mail.current
distrib      release=self    prefix=prefixes/distrib.self

I weould check to see what you have in the spot where I have cvs-all.

There is a discussion in section A.5.5 of the FBSD Handbook that talks about the various file collections. It is at: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cvsup.html
You should note the warning about the need to ALWAYS update ports-base. Even if you are not updating the whole ports tree.


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