At 09:20 AM 7/4/2004, Skylar Thompson wrote:
On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 08:59:57AM -0500, J.D. Bronson wrote:
> This is really odd. I setup a 5.2.1 machine and used the serial port for
> console. I see it booting up just fine until it gets to the part where it
> checks the hard drive for fragmentation....then it SLOWS to a crawl....
> it get's past the hard drive and then each part of the boot is word by word
> as if someone is typing it....
> Once the machine is up, the network side of it FLIES and all is well...but
> the serial console cannot be used at all...nothing happens. Like it's
> jammed or stuck for example.
> This is on a compaq deskpro EN SFF with dual COM ports and I built a kernel
> that detects as much as I can on this machine.
> I have other FreeBSD machines that do not exhibit this and was wondering if
> anyone else came across this before and what they did?

Do the serial settings change at all on the port?


Not that I am aware of...9600N81 ...thats all I ever use. Its something specific to this machine, as if I take the hard drive and toss it into an IBM machine (just for a test) it boots right up.

J.D. Bronson
Aurora Health Care // Information Services // Milwaukee, WI USA
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