On 2004-07-05 13:12, Gene Bomgardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I've recompiled 5.2.1 kernel to include firewall options for natd. > I've discovered that once I did so, I can no longer communicate in or > out of the fbsd box. The firewall defaults to accept_all (I checked > this.

Hi Gene,

natd(8) is totally unrelated to ipf.  It works with ipfw(8), which is
similar in functionality to ipf but a different beast altogether.

Are you sure you're not mixing things up with ipfw/natd vs. ipf/ipnat?

I'm pretty sure I'm not - ipnat is not enabled in rc.conf nor is ipf, yet on reboot IPFilter is initializing with the message "Default block all". I can't seem to get rid of it.

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