"Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy,
> I replaced the sendmail with postfix.
> However on boot up I get a error:
> Starting Standard daemons : inetd cron sshd sendmail-submitsendmail: illegal
> option --0
> sendmail: fatal usage : sendmail [options]
> Jul 7 18:38:40 spiderman postfix/sendmail[83]: fatal:usage: sendmail
> [options}
> sendmail-clientmqueue
> I looked in rc.local , /usr/local/etc/rc.d and didn't find anything.
> Not freebsd savy yet to figure it out more.
> Any help appreciated.

You probably want to make sure that /etc/rc.conf contains the line:
then make sure there is a suitable startup script for Postfix in

Note that there are multiple ways to configure FreeBSD to use Postfix
instead of sendmail.  I'm describing one of them, others are possible.

The trick is to ensure that the Postfix programs will run and the
sendmail program will never run.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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