Hey everyone. First of all sorry for replying directly back to people when I was 
nicely given a reply. I didn't really know how this worked. Just starting out. I won't 
do that again.
I wasn't sure when I did reply and never replied to them all since it would have been 
outrageous rofl.
Well I finally burnt all the ISO's with all your help. I did make sure my FTP was in 
BINARY mode. At first I just downloaded them from my browser which might have been 
corrupting them. Then I integrated my FTP program into the browser so it automatically 
opened when I went to download. I set it to Binary and it downloaded fine.
 Not sure if it actually was corrupting it since I also got a bad burn again on the 
second disc I was burning. The first burn was fine. Anway I turned it down to 12X burn 
speed and they all recorded great. Though yesterday I ordered some discs off Ebay. 
From a guy that says he contributes to FreeBSD with the profits. I hope so.
QUESTION. I know I may be asking this question too soon. I should read that install 
book over. And take it step by step. I will. But for now I would enjoy a few replies 
on it. 
When boot up from the miniinstal and the screen comes up giving me the options it 
doesn't let me select anything. I want to select 1 or enter for default. It doesn't 
work. Then Hault comes up and it's over.
I know I was reading you want me to reformat a partition ready for freebsd so maybe 
that is it since I have an op on it already. I read that I need to use my current op's 
operating system FDISK or I would use Diskpart myself. I just thought Freebsd would 
load it up and give me a reformat option at startup. I WILL START READING AN HOUR A DAY
Talk to you all later,
Jerry Schromm
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