On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 11:27:02PM -0700, Henrik W Lund wrote:

> I believe RELENG_5_2 has been discontinued, and replaced by RELENG_5_2_1 
> (if I'm wrong, someone correct me, please). Anyways, try cvsupping using 
> either one, as at least one of them is bound to work.

That's a bit confused.  5.2-RELEASE (ie. the collection of iso images
and other installer bits and pieces on the FreeBSD ftp servers) has
certainly been superceded by 5.2.1-RELEASE.  Most FreeBSD mirrors will
only carry a couple of recent releases due to space constraints so
5.2-RELEASE has mostly disappeared, but there are some places that
archive older releases -- see


However the CVS tags you refer to don't work in that way.  First of
all, there isn't a RELENG_5_2_1 tag.  There is a RELENG_5_2_1_RELEASE
tag which marks the state of the sources used to generate
5.2.1-RELEASE.  Similarly there's a RELENG_5_2_0_RELEASE tag that does
the same for 5.2-RELEASE.

There is also a RELENG_5_2 *branch*.  The distinction between a branch
and a tag is important.  Checking out sources using a tag will get you
a snapshot of those sources at a particular point in time.  You get
the same set of sources each time you check out against that tag[1].
Checking out sources using a branch will get you the latest
development version from that branch, so the checkouts will vary over

Both 5.2-RELEASE and 5.2.1-RELEASE were generated from the RELENG_5_2
branch, which is a security branch that currently gets you
5.2.1-RELEASE-p9.  In effect, 5.2.1-RELEASE is just another patchset
against the RELENG_5_2 branch, except on a rather larger scale and
fixing more significant problems than most patches.



[1] In principal.  In practice a tag can be 'slid' to account for last
minute changes, but that's unusual and only tends to happen quite soon
after the tag is laid down.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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