Hi Chuck, 

This is what I get:

# ipfw -a list
00100 49820 12066079 allow ip from any to any
00100     0        0 allow tcp from any to any
65535     2       96 deny ip from any to any

The Second and Third lines don't seem right..  What do
I need to do correct the problem here.

The Firewall Type is set to OPEN - doesn't that mean
that it would not really matter how the firewall
issetup.  (btw, please excuse my overt ignorance.)  I
had it set to SIMPLE before and made some changes to
the firewall file but it was not working so I just set
it at OPEN and was able to access the internet. 
Although now this may pose a problem with this
network.  Please advise.  I can send you a copy of my
existing firewall file if needed ...

Thanks as always ....
freebsder wrote:
> Any ideas why my FreeBSD machine is not routing
> requests and putting up a road block?
[ ... ]
>       firewall_type="OPEN"
>       #firewall_quiet="NO"
>       firewall_script="/etc/rc/firewall"
>       natd_enable="YES"

There's likely to be a problem with /etc/rc/firewall,
assuming that 
exists.  Does "ipfw -a list" show a divert rule to


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