
In using FreeBsd 5.2.1-Release I am running into some trouble. I have successfully 
recompiled the kernel with support for atheros based wireless cards. I have also been 
able to setup the card into access point "Hostap" mode correctly. I have tried the 
bridging recommend in the FreeBSD wireless setup at 
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-wireless.html but 
was unsuccessful. I have configured the wireless adapter with it's own subnet of ip's 
one for the actual box and the rest client ip''. The subnet is not the same as the one 
on the wireless adapter. When I enable bridge mode as dicussed in the link above, I 
can ping the ip allocated to the ethernet adapter and the one allocated to the 
wireless adapter when wirelessly connected to the freebsd box, but when the bridging 
is disabled I can only ping the ip assigned to the wireless adapter in the machine 
when wirelessly connected. When I ssh to the box either with bridging on or off to the 
wireless ip on the machine I can ping google.com and other common web sites. I need 
help trying to route the adapted and client ip's to the internet.

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