On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 09:09:49AM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Jul 28), DK said:
> > I just wanted to know if there is available anywhere a Complete "Package"
> > that is Ready to Go for a FreeBSD Server imlementation that contains:
> > 
> > Apache
> > PHP
> > MySQL
> > Mod_SSL
> > Mod_Perl
> $ pkg_add -r apache mysql-server php mod_perl 
> mod_ssl doesn't seem to be a port, whatever it is.

Unlike other apache mods, mod_ssl includes a bunch of patches to the
base apache, so there isn't a separate mod_ssl port -- you'ld install
the apache+mod_ssl package instead.

That is if you want Apache-1.3.x.  If you want Apache-2.0.x, then the
mod_ssl functionality is bundled as one of the core modules.  The
apache2 package also comes with IPv6 support out of the box.

In fact, all of those packages have multiple versions available in the
ports tree -- your command line as is would need to be altered to
select the appropriate versions of those servers.  To the OP -- yes,
that's more complicated than it might be, but the complexity is the
flip side of flexibility and choice and the philosophy of giving you
precise control over your computer.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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