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Hi Bill,

| Do you have _real_ IPs?
I have one IP only...

|Most people only get one real IP from their ISP, and
|then use "private" IPs (such as 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x) for the rest
|of their machines.

Yes, I have a similar setup for my private network...

|If you're doing such, you'll either need exciting nat rules on
| the gateway, or some other workaround.

Yes this is where I need assistance, I have read quite a bit on NAT
however it seems that I am missing something???

With that said, I'll get back to business. I was thinking that NAT would
resolve my issue, however only one way. What if I am outside my
home-network and I want to SSH one of the machines behind the default
gateway. At present it is not possible and I don't know how to make this

Figure 1

*  Internet   *
~       |
~       |
***************       **************
* Defaut GW   * __ __ *Kids Machine*
*   *       *  *
~ FreeBSD 4.10 *              * Mandrake 10*
***************       **************
~       |
~       |
*Wrk Station 1*
*   *
*Redhat 9     *

This is a rough diagram of the network... I would like to ssh, ping,
etc. the machines behind the default gateway directly (without
tunneling) from the outside the network (at work for example). Is this
possible and if so how do I config.  Keep in mind that my default
gateway is FreeBSD.  I know this may be a complicated project but if you
could help that would help me greatly.  Many thanks to everyone in advance.


Bill Moran wrote: | PLEASE wrap your lines. I'm not interested in fixing obnoxious email formatting | any more. See http://www.lemis.com/questions.html | | Hakim Singhji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | |>Hi All, |> |>Many of you have seen my posts lately, I'm a noobie to FreeBSD. I'm trying |>to configure a home "Windows Free" home network complete with default |>gateway, LAN, Wireless 802.11b and several flavors of Linux/BSD. |> |>Its a pretty big project for me and is teaching me ALOT. However I have a |>test setup and I'm am not able to ping my local machine. I can only ping |>my gateway. My local machine is enabled to receive FTP, PING and SSH. In |>addition the firewall on my default gateway is also configured to operate |>those services. |> |>I don't know where I''ve gone wrong, my default gateway works fine |>however...I cannot find my network from the outside. What is the problem??? |> Thanks in advance for all your help. | | | Do you have _real_ IPs? Most people only get one real IP from their ISP, and | then use "private" IPs (such as 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x) for the rest of their | machines. If you're doing such, you'll either need exciting nat rules on | the gateway, or some other workaround. | -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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