> There are many ways in which your ruleset might break.  Two of the
> most
> important comments I wanted to make when I first saw the posts of this
> thread are:
>       a) Why do you use static rule numbers?
>          You'd only have to use static rule numbers if your ruleset
>          had more than 65536/100 = 655 rules.  This limit is
>          relatively hard to hit in a SOHO installation (Small Office,
>          Home Office).  If you do reach such limits, there's
>          definitely something weird going on with the way your ruleset
>          is written ;-)

Giorgos, I am interested in where I can get more information about
this. Are you suggesting that IPFW reads the ruleset and formulates a
rule number according to position in the script? (I always use custom

If this is true, how does this ``dynamic'' feature get affected when
one houses multiple rule _sets_?

Can you please provide any links to information that I can gain
valuable information on this? This would certainly make ruleset
creation much easier ;o)

Also, links to any information on how/what/why on the 16b/100 limit on
the dynamic rules, so I (we) can learn more about this?

I must admit, I've never even come within 1/15 of this number, but it
is interesting. All my rules have always been simply, allow, allow,
allow, DENY.

Tks much,


>       b) Why do you use so many rules that 'filter' outgoing traffic?
>          I saw smtp, pop3, time, http, https and many others.  You
>          don't need to explicitly allow outgoing connections unless
>          the users in the internal LAN are not to be trusted at all
>          and even then IPFW is most of the time not the right way to
>          do it.
> I'd probably just use something of this form in the /etc/ipfw.rules
> file
> and let rc.firewall find it by setting firewall_type="/etc/ipfw.rules"
> in my rc.conf file:
>       # First clean up all the rules of ipfw.
>       flush
>       # Packets should be passed to natd *before* any other rule as
>       # mentioned in the natd(8) manpage, unlike your current script.
>       add divert natd all from any to any via dc1
>       # Allow only lo0 interface to use the address.
>       add allow ip from to via lo0
>       add deny ip from to any
>       add deny ip from any to
>       # Add only the dc0 interface to receive or send packets in the
>       # address range.
>       add allow ip from to via dc0
>       add deny ip from to any
>       add deny ip from any to
>       # Block packets with addresses that are used in private networks
>       # and should not appear in any of our interfaces below this point.
>       add deny ip from to any
>       add deny ip from any to
>       add deny ip from to any
>       add deny ip from any to
>       # Allow DNS and NTP through.
>       add allow udp from any to any 53,123 keep-state out
>       # Pass all ICMP messages through.  They're rate limited by the
>       # kernel if sysctl net.inet.icmp.icmplim is enabled, so this is
>       # not very unsafe to do.
>       add allow icmp from any to any
>       #
>       # Stateful tcp filtering.
>       #
>       add check-state
>       add deny tcp from any to any established
>       # All outgoing and incoming connections are allowed in dc0 (private
> iface).
>       # Only outgoing connections are allowed on dc1 (external iface).
>       add allow tcp from any to any keep-state out xmit dc0 setup
>       add allow tcp from any to any keep-state in  recv dc0 setup
>       add allow tcp from any to any keep-state out xmit dc1 setup
>       # Only selected services are allowed to pass through external iface.
>       add allow tcp from any to any  22 keep-state in recv dc1 setup
>       add allow tcp from any to any 113 keep-state in recv dc1 setup
>       # The default firewall policy.
>       add deny log logamount 0 ip from any to any
> No inline numbers, a simpler layout and a logic that you can hopefully
> extend at the second from last paragraph to allow more services
> through
> your external interface (the `in recv dc1 setup' rules).
> Note that I haven't tested this, so it might contain syntax errors
> because it's based on the ruleset I'm using at home but it also
> includes
> some modifications.  Instead of untangling the ruleset you're now
> trying
> to use which seemed unnecessarily complex to me, I'm posting this just
> in case it's useful but it's up to you to bring it to shape for your
> setup if it doesn't "Just Work(TM)" when you load it.
> - Giorgos
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