Sound like what you actually did was upgrade to  FreeBSD-CURRENT
which is bleeding edge (and probably closer to 5.3 than 5.21), and then 
downgraded to 5.2.1.

If you couldn't build the kernel then you shouldn't actually have  
installed anything yet. In that case I would leave it and see if you 
can get back on track with 5.3-RELEASE (subject to anyone more 
knowledgable answering). 

I don't really see why you would be having trouble booting, unless you 
installed something, out of sequence. Have you tried booting the 
previous kernel?

On Saturday 07 August 2004 23:49, Peter wrote:
> I have succesfully update my freebsd 5.2.1 using cvssup
> supfile-standard. A month after that I decied to update again and put
> "tag=RELENG_5_2" whc is osme sort of downgrade I think ..
> I made build world succesfully, but when I tried to make build kernel
> I got config: Error: device "ixgb" is unknown and more erro I do not
> remeber. It was strane since I have not edited the kernel config file
> ?! However I commeted the both trouble device I though useles: RAID
> controller and some intel 100/10Gb card.
> Which turns to be a misatke since I could  not connect to that server
> any more. I sent request to the host to boot it with GENERIC kernel.
> Aany advice is welcome :-)
> Thannk in a advance.
> Best regards,
> Peter
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