I received this error when running your instructions.

apollo# make PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9=yes install clean
Dependency warning: used OpenSSL version contains known vulnerabilities
Please update or define either WITH_OPENSSL_BASE or WITH_OPENSSL_PORT
*** Error code 1

I understand that it says a dependancy a problem. But I just ran cvsup no
more then an hour ago. Is there something I am missing?

Thanks for any help

Thank you,
Joshua Lewis

Michael Sharp
> read the /usr/ports/dns/bind9 Makefile and use the
> option to make.
> make PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9=yes install clean
> In rc.conf
> ----------
> named_enable="YES"
> named_program="/usr/local/sbin/named"
> named_flags="-c /usr/local/etc/namedb/named.conf -u bind"
> and you can also put NO_BIND= true in /etc/make.conf so that base BIND
> isn't build when you make world.
> Definetly consider chrooting or jailing BIND
> Michael

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