On Friday 20 August 2004 03:54 pm, edwinculp wrote:
> ----- Mensaje original -----
> De: "Andrew L. Gould" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fecha: Viernes, Agosto 20, 2004 1:03 pm
> Asunto: Re: apsfilter and Epson Stylus C63 on Current
> > On Friday 20 August 2004 12:47 pm, edwinculp wrote:
> > > Malcolm, I want to thank both you and  "Andrew L.
> > > Gould" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for the link to
> > > linuxprint.  I can now print very well with gimp
> > > but still haven't been able to get it working with
> > > lpd.  I can configure it in cups but it does
> > > nothing.  Apsfilter doesn't know it exists even
> > > though I just recompiled the latest ghostscript
> > > with the 4.1.7 version of gimp-print.  Thanks to
> > > you I'm getting closer :)
> > >
> > > ed
> >
> > Were you able to print a test page when you configured apsfilter
> > with
> > the gimp-print driver?
> I don't know how to install the latest (4.1.7) gimp-print drivers
> with the current apsfilter so I haven't used it for printing.
> > Are you sure lpd is running?
> I can set up a local printer an print text perfectly and print from
> gimp with the correct driver configuration but that doesn't help me
> with postscript (web pages etc.)
> > Exactly how are you trying to print with lpd that is not working?
> Cups.  Cups allows me to configure the printer but the  printcap
> looks something like:
> gimp|Epson EPSON Stylus C63:rm=local2.local.net:rp=gimp:
> I have no idea how it actually works.  The cups configuration shows
> /dev/lpt0 as the device but nothing gets to the spooler or the
> printer.
> I've always used apsfilter and it has just worked with a minimum of
> muss and fuss.  I sure hope Andres is going to keep it updated
> because if not I for one am really going to miss it.
> Thanks again for your help,
> ed

Have you tried installing them from the ports?

        cd /usr/ports/print/gimp-print
        make install

Once they're installed, run the setup script for apsfilter again.

Best of luck,

Andrew Gould
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