On Wednesday 25 August 2004 06:16 pm, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> Riki wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I would like to know if FreeBSD could work on my PC.  I noticed a lot of
> >stuff about supported architectures, but that isn't my language yet and I
> >can't tell if my computer fits into one of them or not.  I would really
> >appreciate your assistance.
> >
> >I have a pentium 4, intell processor.  I have windows xp on one hard drive
> >and I would like to put your software on the other.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Erika
> The Intel Pentiums, AMD Durons & Athlons, Via C3s ... and so
> many more, are all (x86) architecture.  Your Pentium IV is likely
> a "686" class CPU [unless they've upped the ante again ;-) ]
> As someone else said, more likely to be at issue are your
> hardware peripherals, particularly modems and propietary
> USB devices.  USB devices that adhere to standards [like
> umass for storage] are fine.  Some people have to jump through
> a few hoops for USB scanners and some cameras though; it seems
> to depend on what kind they are.  If you have some expensive peripherals,
> (maybe if you're a photographer, for example), you might Google for
> "FreeBSD <<nameofmycamera>> Problems" ... if you find that some
> device causes some issues, you might not be ready to run FreeBSD.
> Of course, your next statement may mitigate some of that danger.
> You said, "windows xp on one hard drive" and FreeBSD "on the other";
> you'll be doing what's called "dual booting".  You'll want to research
> the "how to" of doing that somewhat carefully.  Although FreeBSD's
> "boot manager" can handle this situation if Windows doesn't interfere
> with it, the possibility exists that it might.  There are a number of other
> "boot manger" programs (GRUB, LILO, GAG are three) that might help
> with this issue as well.
> Welcome to FreeBSD!
> Kevin Kinsey
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I've mentioned it in replies to other users, but it bears repeating.
I recommend mobile racks instead of dual-booting.

I stopped dual-booting in 1994 after MicroShit blew away one too many 
partitions.  I now use mobile racks and I remove the MicroShit disk, which is 
in a front panel removable tray, and I slid in FreeBSD, or Linux, or anything 
else on a different tray.  And I have two hardware identical boxes, so if one 
takes a dive, I can move the drives to the other box and whammo, I'm back in 
business.  Mobile racks I use are only $35/US.  Money well spent.  And as 
I've pointed out in other mails, one box can then be used with a drive that 
you can experiment on, risking nothing more than having to rebuild that 
drive, and your production drive can be safely on the shelf while you learn 
new things.
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