I've set up a ppp conection (tuneled over ssh and socks) from a machine on
the home network to a mcahine at work. At home, where I have control of the
rotueing tables, I've set up routes to allow all amchines to use this
link to access the machine at work.

However, I want more :-). I want to be able to access the rest of the
machiens at work. To do this the packest leaving the machine at work will
need to be NAT'ed to look like the originate _from_ that machine, and
unNAT'ed on the way out.

Is this possible?

If so, can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation as to how
to get it working? Both machines are (of course) FreeBSD machines.

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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