On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 02:07:16AM -0500, W. D. wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have Tardis (Windows) running on my network broadcasting NTP 
> time signals (right now every 4 seconds), but the 
> FreeBSD machine is running 5 seconds faster than 
> all the other computers.
> Here are the lines that I added to /etc/rc.conf:
> xntpd_enable="YES"
> xntpd_flags="-A -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -l /var/log/ntpd.log" 
> (Both 'top' and 'ps -aux' show ntpd running after I rebooted.
> Here are the lines that I added to /etc/ntp.conf:
> driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
> broadcastclient
> Does anyone have some ideas why it isn't synching up?

Don't you need to use ntp.keys in order to synch to a broadcast or
multicast server?

See ntp.conf(5):

             This command enables reception of broadcast server messages to
             any local interface (type b) address.  Upon receiving a message
             for the first time, the broadcast client measures the nominal
             server propagation delay using a brief client/server exchange
             with the server, then enters the broadcast client mode, in which
             it synchronizes to succeeding broadcast messages.  Note that, in
             order to avoid accidental or malicious disruption in this mode,
             both the server and client should operate using symmetric-key or
             public-key authentication as described in Authentication Options.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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