On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:18:39 +0800, John Summerfield
> I've booted a 5.2.1 miniinstall CD and got to the point where I choose which
> disk to install onto.
> My choices are
> ad0
> da0
> Great. How do I know which disk is which? _I_ could work it out if the panel
> displayed information such as
> Brand
> Capacity

ad = ATA
da = SCSI
> Note: DOS names would be worse than useless because I don't use DOS, and the
> BIOS doesn't detect all my drives.
> The website doesn't help.
> I'm not on any list. Please respond by
> a) Fixing the web page
> b) Mailing me the necessary info (eg the fixed page when it's done) in case I
> can't discover by other means which is which.


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