On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> In order to get centralized logins to work on my Linux Debian computers
> (authenticating of a RedHat Samba server), I have to:
> install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap.
> Perform some configuration on the of /etc/libnss-ldap.conf and
> /etc/pam-ldap.conf files.
> Edit the /etc/nnsswitch.conf file.
> Then I can check that the packages have been installed by issuing the
> command nscd.
> Finally to get authentication happening in specific applications, I go
> to the directory /etc/pam.d/  and edit the service files there though
> which I want such authentication to occur.
> Now, of course, no one here is looking for instructions on how to do
> something on Linux, but I was now wondering what it is I need to do on
> my FreeBSD server to get this functionality working?  I can't seem to
> find anything similar so far in my searches.
> Thanks for any pointers in the right direction.

With FreeBSD 4.x, you won't get very far. But beginning with 5.x (not to
say 5.2.1-R), it's very similar. Install the following ports:


Edit /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf, build /etc/nsswitch.conf, and edit the
files within /etc/pam.d.


Konrad Heuer
GWDG, Am Fassberg, 37077 Goettingen, Germany, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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