Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. writes:

>  I've heard accounts of boxen acting as, say, LAN routers or LAN file
>  servers with uptimes of years.

        Within the last year or two, I had a conversation with someone
who claimed to have a machine runn9ing 2.2.x (or maybe it was 2.1.x)
continuously since applying the final security patch.

>  IIRC, Netcraft now claims that most
>  new FreeBSD builds "reset" to zero after 400-something days, so
>  some of their statistics may be no longer as valid...

        From the NetCraft FAQ:

Why do some Operating Systems never show uptimes above 497 days ?

        The method that Netcraft uses to determine the uptime of a
        server is bounded by an upper limit of 497 days for some
        Operating Systems (see above). It is therefore not possible to
        see uptimes for these systems that go beyond this upper
        limit. Although we could in theory attempt to compute the true
        uptime for OS's with this upper limit by monitoring for
        restarts at the expected time, we prefer not to do this as it
        can be inaccurate and error prone.

        ... which is not exactly the same thing.

                                Robert Huff

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