
By the nature of your questions I'll respond that it would not be unreasonable (nor uncommon) to do this:

    tar czf /usr/local/archives/etc.tar.gz -C / etc usr/local/etc

where 'c' means create, 'z' means compress (using gzip), and 'f' is the name of the archive file to write on. '-C' means change to this directory before performing the archive. 'etc usr/local/etc' are the directories that are to be included in the archive.

I prefer to date my archives in the filename and do this (I also like long options):

    tar --create --verbose --gzip --directory=/ \
      --file=/usr/local/archives/etc-2004.09.06-archive.tgz \
      etc > /usr/local/archives/etc-2004.09.06-archive.log

    tar --create --verbose --gzip --directory=/ \
      --file=/usr/local/archives/usr.local.etc-2004.09.06-archive.tgz \
      usr/local/etc > \

I then diff the log files against the archives as a check.

    tar tzf /usr/local/archives/etc-2004.09.06-archive.tgz | \
      diff -s - /usr/local/archives/etc-2004.09.06-archive.log

U can use scp (or some ftp agent) to shoot the archives and logs to your ftp server as you wish.

Also, consider doing the following:

    man tar
    man gzip
    man diff

Happy Tarring,

On Sep 6, 2004, at 6:39 PM, John Lee wrote:

hmm, are there any popular free data backup software
for freebsd?

i hope to backup my /etc and important files to another
server via ftp.

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