On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 19:05, Craig Perry wrote:
> Hi all,
> I upgraded the ports tree and installed a few things, everything went ok untill I 
> installed gaim. As soon as it went in, the menus in gnome went funny, ie the 
> applications menu went to about 2 pixels wide, so I logged out to log back in again 
> hoping that would fix it, unfortunately gdm no has no menus and I can't type 
> anything into the username field etc. So I'm now locked out of gnome/gdm and can't 
> log back in.
> The only dependancy that wasn't up to scratch for gaim was pango, so I updated that, 
> now I assume it is this that has buggered gnome.
> What is the easiest resolution, upgrade gnome to 2.6? I don't fancy a reinstall of 
> the os, I just compiled open office 1.1.2 from scratch and can't be bothered waiting 
> for that again :o)

Yes.  At this point, you must update everything that depends on pango
(and probably glib20 as well).  Your best bet is to go to
http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome and read the upgrade instructions.

If you're running a 5.3-BETA, you can get the latest OOo packages from
your local FreeBSD FTP mirror after you complete the 2.6 upgrade.


> Thanks in advance,
> Craig
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