Hey list!

I'm a BSD guy for servers & such. My own server (wingfoot) runs 4.10-STABLE, and my last job was 95% FreeBSD in the data center.

I'm getting sick of Windows on my desktop at home. (No kidding, right?!) I'd really really really love to move my desktop to FBSD. One thing is really holding me back.

In Windows, I have Roxio Easy Media Creator 7, which allows me to manipulate AVI/MPEG streams, and format a DVD video disc and burn it, using my nifty TDK DVD 8x +/-RW drive.

I'm pretty sure I can find AVI/MPEG editing packages for BSD easy enough.

But I'm having a dickens of a time finding something that will let me author DVDs. Any pointing in directions or help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, everyone, in advance!

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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