On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 10:53:18 -0700
digish reshamwala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey....


> I want to install the specific version only & if I use the ports to
> install using: cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql40-server
> make
> make insall clean
> It installs MySQL 4.0.18 & not 4.0.20??  So can u help me in
> installing those specific version?!

Look at /usr/ports/databases/mysql40-server/distinfo. This file says
what source tarball the port uses. Mine says 4.0.20. You can try
fetching a newer version of the ports tree. It's available from
Or you can look at one of the ftp-mirrors for a binary package.

kind regards,

If cars had improved at [the computer industry's] rate, a Rolls Royce
would now cost 10 dollars and get a billion miles per gallon.
(Unfortunately, it would probably also have 200-page manual telling how
to open the door.)
Andrew Tanenbaum, "Introduction To Distributed Systems"
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