I'm trying to get my ATI Radeon 9000 64mb AGP video card to oplay nice
with with Xorg on FreeBSD5.3beta2.  Since I've already asked for help,
I won't pollute the list yet again with details, as they can be found
at the BSD Forums:
In a nutshell, no matter what config tool I use, or what settings I
come up with, when I startx I get a blue and green garbled screen out
from which I can't exit.

I've been fighting with this for weeks now and I'm at the end of my
rope.  A few people have had some ideas, which I've tried with little
result.  As I'm on the cusp of deciding to reformat the whole $#@&%
thing and start over after a multitude of struggling (with other
components as well), I'm open to any and all ideas.

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