On 2004-09-22 11:43, Phil Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 11:38, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > On 2004-09-22 11:19, Phil Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ... I ran the make installkernel outside of X (i.e. in a console)
> > > and it works fine.  Try to run it in aterm or xterm and you get
> > > the "can't shift that many" error.  I cannot pretend to know
> > > anything about why this is the case.
> >
> > This error seems to be caused by some sort of mishandling of nls.alias
> > when this command runs:
> >
> > : cd /usr/share/nls;  set - `grep "^[a-zA-Z]" /usr/src/etc/nls.alias`;
> > : while [ $# -gt 0 ] ;  do  rm -rf "$1";  ln -s "$2" "$1";  shift; shift;
> > : done

> Here's the nls.alias file:
> gw# cat /usr/src/etc/nls.alias
> # $FreeBSD: src/etc/nls.alias,v 1.5 2003/06/10 01:22:30 ache Exp $
> POSIX                   C
> en_US.US-ASCII          C

Weird.  Everything seems ok but you seem to be bumping on a problem
related to the shell in use :-/

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