On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Pota Kalima wrote:

> I think I have narrowed the fault down to ssh from mac os x because I
> could connect from ssh client on windoz. On mac os x I get same message
> [ssh: connect to host port 22: Permission denied] when the
> freebsd box is switched on or OFF!!
> I guess I will have to try mac lists for a solution.
> pota

I use OS X (I'm actually on a OS X ssh connection at the moment), not
currently to a FreeBSD machine, but when I did I had no specific SSH
interoperability problems.  OS X uses OpenSSH in fairly standard
configuration, I believe.

If you want to post to a Mac list, I suggest taking a look at the X-Unix
list at: http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/X-Unix.html

I suspect you have host name issues, for what it's worth.

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