Hello, I am using FreeBSD 5.3BETA5. I haven't do anything to the kernel or anything system-related. I installed firefox 0.9.3. It takes more than 10 seconds to load mozilla's homepage. Of course other accessing to other sites gave the same results.

Then, to compare, I installed opera 7.54 and it loads pages in less than 2 seconds. However, firefox is my favourite browser. So, is there any way that I can know what is wrong? Does firefox keeps some logs when it connects? Or has anyone else experience the same problem?

btw, I installed softwares from the ports collection.


Choy Kho Yee
url: http://dotkoyi.infoseek.ne.jp/
blog: http://dotkoyi.blogspot.com/

"There are only 10 types of people in the world, i.e. those who understand binary numbers and those who do not."

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