
Thanks a bunch! This is a great help. I'm not clear on the use of allow-transfer. Reading the manpage for named.conf(5), I'm tempted to leave it out. But, I'm not fully understanding the use of it. The manpage says,

  Specifies which hosts are allowed to receive zone transfers from the
  server.  allow-transfer may also be specified in the zone statement,
  in which case it overrides the options allow-transfer statement.  If
  not specified, the default is to allow transfers from all hosts.

I'm taking "which hosts are allowed to receive zone transfers from the server" to mean hosts on my local network and the server is the DNS server I'm setting up now. I don't want my zone information going out to the internet (my isp), but I do want to let it in (of course). I failed to mention that the machine acting as DNS inside my network is/will be configured as a gateway. (QUESTION: I have vr0 and vr1. Does it matter which interface I face toward the internet?) Perhaps this doesn't matter as long as the DNS server is pointing to/resolving for the inside (local) network interface ( Let me make this more clear. I have the following (typical?) small office setup:

            ISP                <--- monopolists
           (vr1)               <--- DHCP'd from ISP
     FreeBSD 4.10 gateway
           (vr0)               <---
             |                      DNS,ipfw,natd,httpd
   {... local network ...}

So, all this just to clarify allow-transfer. :) My questions go deeper than DNS. But, I'm trying to figure out the rest myself.



On Sep 24, 2004, at 9:57 AM, Steve Bertrand wrote:

... and then add a record for a domain.

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "";
        allow-transfer {; }; // This is your secondary DNS
        allow-update { none; };

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