 after then if the loader is missing  then what should
i do for that in bsd loading

          Thnx bye

 --- Konrad Heuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I'd try to boot the installation cd, to interrupt
> the boot countdown and
> to switch into the command line mode of the boot
> loader and to enter the
> command "lsdev". Beside those on the cd, you should
> see the file systems
> available on your hard disk then, too. By entering
> the command "set
> currdev=disk1s1a" (e.g., replace "disk1s1a" by the
> partition name of the
> root fs on the hard disk) and entering commands like
> "ls" and "cd" you can
> try to look at the root fs to see whether there's
> something wrong.
> Regards
> Konrad Heuer
> GWDG, Am Fassberg, 37077 Goettingen, Germany,

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