Hello all,

I just did a 5.3b7 "standard" install on the second partition of
an sata disk.  The first partition had an ntfs file system on it,
with an mbr and standard microsoft boot mgr which reads boot.ini to
display the boot menu.

I specifically told the 5.3 install to leave the boot mgr alone, I
thought, by selecting "none" when asked about installing a boot mgr.
However, when I boot now, I get the fbsd beastie boot options for
the installed fbsd partition, not the ms boot mgr.

My intent was to add an entry to the ms boot mgr to hand off to the
fbsd boot.

The behavior I am seeing smells like an installation of the "Standard"
MBR, rather than a boot mgr.

Should I have selected one of the other options?  Or did I somehow
actually select "standard" and I'm halucinating?  Is there a log
written anywhere describing the selections made?  The problem
obviously isn't discovered until you reboot, at which point access
to ttyv1 is long gone.

thanks for any insights,

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