Dan Nelson has kindly explained everything:
> In the last episode (Oct 01), Andrew said:
> > Thanks! I haven't thought about using expr.
> >
> > How come that my expr(1) manpage has nothing to say about -e option?
> > In fact my expr(1) does not accept it. I have FreeBSD 4.10. I've
> > looked into a current manpage from www.freebsd.org, and it says
> > something about 4.x compatibility.
> >
> > What is the best way to go if I need to write scripts now, but I'm
> > planning to switch to 5.x later? Can I upgrade expr(1) now? If not,
> > what should I do?
> In 4.x, expr does 64-bit math by default.   Apparently POSIX requires
> that expr use whatever the systems' "signed long" size is, so the
> default was changed for 5.x, and -e was added to get the old
> If you want your script to work on both, you'll have to do a feature
> test.  I started out just testing expr and expr -e, but it sort of
> grew...  The following script will check the shell's math, two ways of
> calling expr, and finally fall back on calling bc.  As long as you
> use the basic math operators, quote your "*"'s, and put spaces between
> everything, all the methods should be compatible, and your script will
> work on any bourne-compatible shell :)
> #! /bin/sh
> if [ x$(( 65536 * 65536 )) = "x4294967296" ] ; then
>   shellarith() { echo $(( $@ )) ; }
>   MATH="shellarith"
> else
>   if [ x`expr 65536 "*" 65536` = "x4294967296" ] ; then
>     MATH="expr"
>   else
>     if [ x`expr -e 65536 "*" 65536 2>/dev/null` = x"4294967296" ] ;
>       MATH="expr -e"
>     else
>       if [ x`echo 65536 "*" 65536 | bc` = "x4294967296" ] ; then
>         bcfunc() { echo "$@" | bc ; }
>         MATH="bcfunc"
>       else
>         echo "Can't do 64-bit math noway nohow"
>       fi
>     fi
>   fi
> fi
> echo "Using $MATH"
> bigval=`$MATH 65536 "*" 65536`
> echo $bigval

Thank you very much! I think, I'll just assign MATH="expr" and change it
to something else when I need it.

Best regards,
Andrew P.

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