This has nothing to do with technical problems, but rather it's more of a request for 
moral support.  This may seem disjointed, so bear with me.

I've been using FreeBSD for over six months now, but I've been using Unix-like 
operating systems for almost two years.  I started with Red Hat Linux back when Red 
Hat was making and selling their "consumer-grade" version of Red Hat Linux, then 
switched to Debian before going to FreeBSD last March.  I now also run NetBSD on one 
of my machines.

Through all this, I've developed a passion for this type of OS, seeing the elegance, 
performance, and sheer power of Unix.  This has affected me to the point of me 
changing my career path.  Before I got into these OSs, I wanted to get into radio.  
Now I'd rather either be a system administrator or run my own consulting business for 
entities that use these types of OSs.  But herein lies the problem I've been having 
lately: while searching around for what I'd need to know to become a system 
administrator, I came across this page: and I'm overwhelmed by the sheer 
amount of knowledge I'd have to gain.  It took me almost two years to get to where I 
am today, and it looks like I've barely scratched the surface of what I'd need to 
know.  But now, I feel like instead of learning things on my own for fun, I have to 
learn other things I don't really have a need to learn for myself or that I want to, 
just so that I can apply that to oth
 er peoples' situations.  The result is that lately learning these OSs has become more 
of a chore than a fun hobby, and I'm still intimidated by what I need to learn to get 
to where I want to go.  It almost seems like it's not worth it.

Now, being that I know there are some very experienced people on this list, I'm 
betting that I'm not the only one that has experienced this, that learning new things 
in Unix-like OSs becomes more of a chore than something to do for fun.  My question 
is, what advice would you have for dealing with this?
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