Thanks to all who replied!  Here a compined reply...

"Haulmark, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote...
> > I must be totally dense, but after trying a number of things,
> > searching the mailing lists, searching google, reading the freebsd
> > ports doc, searching the php web - I still can not get php4 to
> > build with gdlib support using the ports collection.
> > 
> > We already had a working mod_php4 built and installed, and just
> > want to add gdlib support.  None of the following (as well as
> > other incantations) work in either the www/mod_php4 port nor the
> > lang/php4 port:
> > 
> >     make deinstall; make reinstall
> >     make deinstall; make clean; make install
> >     make deinstall; make WITH_GD=YES reinstall
> >     make deinstall; make clean; make WITH_GD=YES install
> > 
> > Can someone please give me a clue?  I thought I remembered that
> > there was a text gui asking what options we want, but it doesn't
> > appear anymore.
> Have you looked in the ports collection of lang/php4-extensions?

Bingo!  This seems to be the correct answer!
    cd /usr/ports/lang/php4-extensions
    make WITH_GD=yes WITH_GETTEXT=yes install
does the trick!  Or one can leave off the WITH_* vars and select them
in the text gui.

Life would be so much easier if the php4 make and pkg-descr would
mention where to look for extentions.  How is someone supposed to
know this exists (without monitoring all freebsd mailing lists)?

Benjamin Walkenhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote...
> Look at the Makefile and the CONFIGURE_ARGS variable. I don't know the 
> option for php, but something like "--enable-gd" might help.

Didn't know you could set configure args at the top level make.
Good to know!

Alex de Kruijff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote...
> > > There seems to be a big gap between simply installing a port with
> > > its defaults and finding out what other options might be available
> > > via the WITH_* and WITHOUT_* options.  Isn't this documented with
> > > each port somewhere?
> There are used in the Makefile, so you can allways look there.

This is part of what was confusing me.  There were lots of mailing
list references to using WITH_GD, but I couldn't find it in the
Makefile.  Sometimes these are hiding in an included makefile
somewhere outside of the port itself.

But now I know it was moved to lang/php4-extentions sometime since
we originally built php4!

> > Can someone please give me a clue?  I thought I remembered that
> > there was a text gui asking what options we want, but it doesn't
> > appear anymore.
> You can set this not to appear by setting BATCH in /etc/make.conf. If
> you rename /etc/make.conf for builing mod_php, then you'll have you're
> text ui. (g stands for graphical)

The string batch isn't in our make.conf.  The gui was hiding in the
lang/php4-extentions port.

Yes g stands for graphical, which is why it is a "text gui".  The
curses based line drawing and shading is a "text" based form of
graphics.  Graphics does not imply bitmapped.  Draw a box with a
pencil and you have graphics.  :)

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