I haven't updated my machines in quite a while (a month or 2) and today I
needed to do so. But when I looked I realized that both machines (at home,
and at work) were no longer updateing. I'm getting erors like this in the

CVSup update begins at 2004-10-05 06:17:00
Updating from cvsup11.freebsd.org
Cannot connect to cvsup11.freebsd.org: Connection refused
CVSup update ends at 2004-10-05 06:18:15

And fastest_cvsup, also fails to connect to any (tried us) machines.

Has something changed here? And if so, how can I get back in synch to get
this working?

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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