On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 09:41:32AM -0700, ALeine wrote:
> > Just so no one gets screwed, the Cacon multifunction devices are
> > entierly different beasts from the regular printers. I can't
> > find the refrence at the moment, but I looked at them when I was
> > shopping for a new multifunction printer and they were rated as
> > paperweights. :-(
> Could this be what you're referring to?
> http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=Canon
> That site seems dated as newer models like the MP360 are not even
> listed. Besides, about 80 % of the Canon printers which are listed
> there have been marked to indicate that some information for those
> printers has not been verified. The suggested printers section also
> seems to be quite dated and, in that sense, misleading.
> IMHO, there are too many conflicting reviews to really trust any
> one such source, but I do tend to trust first-hand experience of
> users more than any other source.

No, I found a site that was explicit about it.  I just can't seem to
find it now.  Somewhere there's a listing of multifunction devices.  The
fact that "Canon multifunction products are not supported in Mac OS X"
is all Canon has to say about anything other then Windows is a pretty
good hint as to what they think of unix. :-(

-- Brooks

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