On 2004.10.07 09:51:17 -0700, Balakumar Velmurugan wrote:
> Hi,
>    I updated my kernel and built it from CURRENT. Everything went fine. 
> When I rebooted the machine after mergemaster, I was prompted to enter 
> passphrase for Disk Encryption, as below.
> Configuring Disk Encryption for NO.
> Enter passphrase:                            <---- When I hit ENTER
> gbde: Attach to NO faile: Provider not found
> Attach Failed: attempt 1 of 3.
> Enter passphrase:

I think pjd has already fixed this (but I currently run RELENG_5, so I
haven't tested it).  Try to update your sources again and see if the
problem isn't fixed.

> I dont recall if I enabled gbde. Any idea, what might have happened ?. 

If you do not recall you haven't seen it would then prompt you for a
password no each boot.

> More importantly, can anyone tell me how to get around this and continue 
> with my booting sequence ?  In my previous build using STABLE,  i didnt 
> see this problem.

Just FYI, STABLE is still RELENG_4/4.X... though we are getting closer

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team

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