I've been getting my feet wet with FreeBSD. I have a package/ports question that I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I think the question belongs here rather than on a Gnome list, because it's related to the various types of installations available to FreeBSD, but if I should go over to a Gnome list, please let me know.

I've done the installation several times in different ways, beginning with installing everything from a CD I burned from an ISO image (4.9, because I can't get past the boot on later versions, which is a different issue). When I installed Gnome directly from /stand/sysinstall, either from the disk or via FTP, it went relatively quickly. More recently, I decided to look at getting a completely (?) current installation. This is a sandbox system, so I did a minimal installation from formatting the drive on up using FTP as a source, then installed and ran cvsup (without gui) with ports-all configuration. Then I installed portupgrade, did a "pkgdb -F", and then ran "portupgrade -Pra". I installed XFree86 using "pkg_add -r XFree86" and it took a little longer than when I had installed if from sysinstall, but it didn't seem like a lot. Then I executed "pkg_add -r gnome2". 24 hours later, it's still running. I'm not super-concerned, but I'm trying to understand what the differences are between the original, from the CD, installation and this one. It's a slow machine (300MHz Pentium 2) so I don't expect stellar performance, but it seems rather long.

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