Sorry about the top posting but the person who replied to my question
was rejected( black listed by ) by our server and I
found his message below via the web archives.

In reference to the below message.

Putting <IfDefine SSL> instead of <IfModule mod_ssl.c> in my httpd.conf
which Includes ssl.conf causes Apache to complain about all SSL type
commands. eg.

Syntax error on line 76 of /usr/local/etc/apache2/ssl.conf:
Invalid command 'SSLPassPhraseDialog', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by
a module not included in the server configuration

Which leads me to think that perhaps the SSL portion of Apache2 is
faulty ? 

httpd -S -DSSL returns the same thing as httpd -S and shows only the
httpd.conf virtual hosts on port 80.



* Nelis Lamprecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [1041 11:41]:
> Hi,
> I've recently just installed apache-2.0.52_1 from ports on a new system.
> I've taken an already working configuration from an older machine and
> transferred it to the new server. No matter what I do I can't get SSL
> working even though it shows up as being used.
> www      54695  0.0  0.4 14256 9024  ??  I    12:25PM   0:00.00
> /usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
> It's as if anything I put between <IfModule mod_ssl.c> and </IfModule>
> gets totally ignored.
> <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
>     Include etc/apache2/ssl.conf
> </IfModule>


<IfDefine SSL>
     Include etc/apache2/ssl.conf

> httpd -S shows only the virtual hosts in httpd.conf and nothing from
> ssl.conf 

httpd -S -DSSL

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