On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:17:02 -0400
Steven Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to mount a data CD as a normal user.  It works fine as
> root, but I want average users to be able to do it.
> Here's the session:
> % mount_cd9660 /dev/acd0c /cdrom
> mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0c: Operation not permitted
> % mount_cd9660 /dev/acd0c /mnt
> mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0c: Operation not permitted
> I noticed in dev:
> % ll /dev/*cd*
> crw-rw-rw-  4 root  operator  117,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/acd0a
> crw-rw-rw-  4 root  operator  117,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/acd0c
> crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator  117,   8 Jun 15  2003 /dev/acd1c
> crwxrwxrwx  2 root  operator   15,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/cd0a
> crwxrwxrwx  2 root  operator   15,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/cd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   29,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/mcd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   29,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/mcd0c
> crw-rw-rw-  4 root  operator  117,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/racd0a
> crw-rw-rw-  4 root  operator  117,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/racd0c
> crwxrwxrwx  2 root  operator   15,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rcd0a
> crwxrwxrwx  2 root  operator   15,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rcd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   29,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rmcd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   29,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rmcd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   45,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rscd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   45,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rscd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   69,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rwcd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   69,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/rwcd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   45,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/scd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   45,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/scd0c
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   69,   0 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/wcd0a
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator   69,   2 Oct 16 19:14 /dev/wcd0c
> Yes, I've been changing permissions in an attempt to make it work.
> How would anyone know which device to use?
> And why can't I get it to work by changing permissions?

very recently bumped into this headache myself.  you need to
manually change the sysctl:

from ---> vfs.usermount: 0
to -----> vfs.usermount: 1

and setting it in /etc/sysctl.conf should make it right automatically
upon next boot.

[warning: not sure if this next part is simply due to my inexperience]

i found that the user was not able to mount to anything hanging
directly off of  '/' (ex. /mnt /cdrom /floppy) - even if i messed with
the perms.  to solve this, i created the desired mount points (simply
empty directories) in that user's $HOME (with user ownership, group, and
rwx perms).  this solved the problem.

just make sure that your users only try to mount to ~/mntpoint


> I've went thru the handbook and also Dru Lagvigne's (is that right?)
> articles on OnLamp to no avail.
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