On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:45:30 -0400
John DeStefano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm pretty sure it's not the way I've configured the script, because I
>only replaced the necessary variables, and the messages are making it
>to the mail server queue (but not any further).
>However, other mail (such as my daily reports) is getting sent through
>without a hitch.

 John and I carried on a discussion about his problem in private email,
but for the benefit of the list readers, his problem was sendmail
rejecting the from address because the "domain" used in the from email
address wasn't valid to the outside world.

 Once John used a real, working email address everything went
through fine.

 Part of this was discovered by simply running sendmail in verbose mode
from the command line, like this:

echo testing | sendmail -v [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 and watching the output. Very handy when debugging ;-)

 I believe all is well now.

Gerry Freymann - Interpool Development

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