On Oct 20, 2004, at 4:51 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:


I'm looking for some feedback on the following two SATA RAID controllers:

http://www.3ware.com/products/serial_ata8000.asp (4 port)
http://www.adaptec.com/worldwide/product/proddetail.html? sess=no&language=English+US&prodkey=AAR -2410SA&cat=%2fTechnology%2fRAID%2fSerial+ATA+RAID

I don't think that 4.x supports the 2410SA, though it probably would if you add a little to the aac driver. However, I have a 2410SA, and once I updated the firmware to the latest, it has behaved under 5-CURRENT from a few months ago. No great load on it but it has done its thing. It will be installed in a box being upgraded to 5.3 very soon now and will then get more load on it...


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