running fbsd 4.10-RELEASE-p3
configured pseudo-device vn
all normal .. with vnconfig / disklabel ....
but 1 particion when i do mount it .. with /dev/vn....
works fine for 10 / 15 min .. then stops simply as i run jail on it .. the sshd stop 
responding and the procs also .. but i can kill the procs anymore
root   39220  0.0  0.0  2392    0  ??  DsJ  12:52PM   0:00.06 sshd

if i try
kill -9  39220
vds1# kill -9 39220
vds1# ps axuw | grep 39220
root   39220  0.0  0.0  2392    0  ??  DsJ  12:52PM   0:00.06 sshd

continues there ..
and after the particion goes bad .. i can't even unmount /proc .. or run quotacheck 
even if i remove the particion affected from /etc/fstab ..
if i try to use a .sh to kill the whole jail out

.. killed: 42403 42108 42105 39694 39229 39225 39222 39220 +42403 +42108 +42105 +39694 
+39229 +39225 +39222 +39220 done

goes fine the first time looks like is killed like if i did manually
but if i run it again
.. killed: 42403 42108 42105 39694 39229 39225 39222 39220 +42403 +42108 +42105 +39694 
+39229 +39225 +39222 +39220 done

show's up the same thing the procs still there
root   42403  0.0  0.0  2392    0  ??  DsJ   1:32PM   0:00.00 sshd
8000   42108  0.0  0.0  1952    0  ??  DsJ   1:25PM   0:00.04 
if i try to cd /usr/whereistheparticionmounted ..
the ssh freezes .. and keeps there i gotta kill my ssh and re-enter the machine
umount -f doesn't work neither
root 79026 0.0 0.0 352 24 p9- D 7:46PM 0:00.07 umount -fv /proc

this one is "running" since 7:46pm ..
and nothing
and is not hardrrive
cause i already asked to the DC change the hd and i just got a brand new one out of 
the box
any ideas would be great appreciated ..
and PS only this particion is with problems but unfortually if one goes bad .. i loose 
the quotacheck and a bunch of programs that uses the hardrive ..
so if possible need some fix of somekind and maybe if anyone know's if i upgrade to 
5.2.1 would be better fbsd.

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