I have a P4 2.4G Intel proc on an Asus P4S533 motherboard running
FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p17.  /usr/src/sys/conf/newvers.sh is showing
"Release" now and not "RC1" so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm trying
to figure out what are the best/appropriate flags to use in
/etc/make.conf  I "had" the following;

CFLAGS= -O -pipe
CXXFLAGS+= -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized

but after running "make buildworld" it crashed on the (-fmemoize-lookups
-fsave-memoized) flags so I commented them and I'm rerunning make
buildworld (stupid me, I didn't copy the error when it failed).  So far
there have been no errors.

How does one know what flags to use in /etc/make.conf?  I thought I
"had" the right ones.



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