Dumb question, which "man 8 shutdown" and cousins (halt, reboot) don't
seem to answer: is incanting "shutdown" expected to unmount all mounted
filesystems, even those mounted "interactively" (i.e. not listed in

I ask because I managed to embarass myself during a trial install of
FreeBSDS-5.3RC1 (my first outing with FreeBSD, though I've too many
years with HP-UX, Debian, RedHat, and recently OpenBSD). I'd mounted
an ext3 partition for a quick bit of editing (that's where my grub
config files were), using the built-in ext2fs. In cavalier mode, once
I'd made the edits I wanted, I incanted "shutdown -r now", as you do.
In its last dying moments, the FreeBSD kernel spat out a message along
the lines of "flushing vnodes: 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 giving up on 1 buffer"
(sorry, I didn't write the msg down, and am reconstructing from a
dangerous combination of memory and Googling for 'the sort of thing
FreeBSD says as it shuts down' ;-).

It seems reprodicible - when I umount'ed the ext3 partition manually
another time, no buffers were Given Up on, and the next time I forgot
I hosed myself again. (Happily the Fedora fsck didn't seem to think
the partition was beyond repair ;-).

If this is simply luser error, tell me so and I'll go away a sadder
if not a wiser man. If, though, the intention is that "shutdown" should
cleanly dismount all FSen, regardless of their presence in /etc/fstab,
tell me so and I'll spend a little time (but prolly not till next week;
apologies) characterising the circumstances more closely. (E.g.: I note
from Googling around that there was a reported bug in the same vague area
when a read-only floppy was mounted; I may well have had a CD-ROM mounted
at the same time, which is inherently read-only (d'oh). But I thought
I'd better ask first what the shutdown behaviour is *intended* to be...)

Thanks, Stefek
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