On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 00:35, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> I have been having performance problems with my computer for months,
> ever since I did a fresh install of freebsd 5.2.1.  I thought the
> situation might change after debugging was turned off in RELENG_5 so I
> upgraded a couple weeks ago to 5.3-BETA7, but only saw slight
> improvements.  I'm running Xorg, fvwm 2.4, several xterms, vncviewer,
> mozilla, xmms, and xine and my system was really running slow.  At some
> point mozilla was killed because the system was out of swap space.  I
> have a pentium celeron 3 600 MHz, with 128 megs of ram, 30 gig hd, 256
                                         ^^^^^^^^ oh the inhumanity!!

This is why you system sucks. It's swapping like mad. Xorg (on my
system) weighs in a 50-70 MB, Mozilla will tip the scales in that range
easily as well. Xterm-static comes in at 3-5MB each. If programs get
killed because of swap space, more ram will save the day. Or more swap
space, but in your case I say more ram.

> Is my system just under spec for freebsd 5.x or is something
> else wrong?

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