On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 03:22:58PM +0000, Matthew Seaman wrote:
: If it's the problem with the btree files in BerkeleyDB 1.65 that's
: causing Ruby to core dump on you while running portsdb then running
: 4.10-RELEASE won't help you.  That problem was a bug in the base

Ah, good to know.  I thought it was just something I had done wrong.

: If you're having trouble with various ports, why not post the details
: of what you're seeing? (if not here, then to freebsd-ports@ or
: freebsd-gnome@).  After searching the archives, of course.  Chances
: are you're not the only person to be bitten that way.

I had a very bizarre problem where the build would break and spit out these
odd characters while working in an icons directory.  No one was ever able to
figure it out.  I pretty much gave up trying to run gnome on my desktop,
while it ran perfectly on my laptop.

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