On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 07:33:47PM +0000, Lewis Thompson wrote:
> I'm attempting to get an encrypted tunnel going between two machines.
> Before I start pasting away my configs, tcpdump logs, racoon logs, etc.
> I would like to ask the following question:
> I've read that 5.2.1 had broken IPSEC, such that IKE traffic (port 500)
> was not bypassed (or something along those lines).  A full thread can be
> found at
> http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&threadm=257C203C-8104-11D8-9902-00039303AB38_mac.com%40ns.sol.net&rnum=10&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dan%2520acceptable%2520proposal%2520found%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26tab%3Dwg
>   Does anybody know if this has now been resolved in 5.3RC2?  Do I need
> to start doing special things to make IPSEC work?  Or am I just a
> bonehead who has screwed his config up somehow?

It turns out I'd make the simplest of mistakes:  the permissions on
psk.txt were wrong!  IPsec works fine on 5.3RC2.

  racoon only warned me about the permissions when I started it in the
foreground (either that or I managed to overlook it in the debug log
over and over again -- it wouldn't surprise me).


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
-| msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | url:www.lewiz.org |-

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