On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 08:30:23PM +0300, Eugene M. Minkovskii wrote:
> Hello!
> I using FreeBSD 5.2.1 and try to use scanner: "Cannon LIDE 30".
> it is USB scanner.

Here's my setup for the LIDE 30:


# Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file
# For use with LM9831/2/3 based USB scanners

[usb] 0x04A9 0x220E
option lampOff 120
option warmup 0
option lOffOnEnd 1

option posOffX 0
option posOffY 0
option tpaOffX 0
option tpaOffY 0
option negOffX 0
option negOffY 0

option posShadingY -1
option tpaShadingY -1
option negShadingY -1

option invertNegatives 0
option cacheCalData 0
option altCalibration 0

# for skipping whole calibration step
option skipCalibration 1
option skipFine 0
option skipFineWhite 0

option red_gain   -1
option green_gain -1
option blue_gain  -1

option redGamma         1.0
option greenGamma       1.0
option blueGamma        1.0
option grayGamma        1.0

option enableTPA 0

device /dev/uscanner0


BEWARE: This file WILL be overridden if you reinstall or update sane-backends.
Make a backup copy before doing that.

The next step is to set the mode for /dev/uscanner0 correctly:


# ... among others set:
perm    uscanner0       0666


Then restart devfs after you plug in the LIDE 30:

# /etc/rc.d/devfs stop
# /etc/rc.d/devfs start

That should be it.


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