In the last episode (Nov 05), Kevin A. Pieckiel said:
> How do I get syslog to append a CR to output when it's being sent to
> a line printer on /dev/lpt0?

Couple of options here:

o  Tell your printer that eols are LF instead of CRLF (if it can be
   configured to remember this on powerup)

o  Log to "|sed -e 's/$/^m' > /dev/lpt0"  (where ^m is a raw CR)

o  If your printer knows an escape sequence to put it in LF mode, log
   to "| echo 'escsequence' ; cat > /dev/lpt0"

o  Set up a printcap with an input filter that adds the CR (or sends
   the magic escape sequence), and log to "|lp"

o  Edit syslogd.c to add the CRLF if the device printed to starts with

        Dan Nelson
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